Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting started

Well, I haven't really tried this blogging thing before, but it seems to be a good way to update everyone on all the changes in our lives. Married life has been pretty great so far. It's been a whole month already. and the pregnancy is going pretty good... I can't complain... too much. really I've had it pretty easy, but lately I'm starting to feel pregnant.. achey and emotional. but those are minor. I am feeling the baby move tons now! very exciting! I am 24 weeks if you go by dates, the ultrasound put me 8 days behind that but I am choosing to ignore that and go with the original dates for now. my next dr appointment is april 9th. I will also be checked for gestational diabetes that day so wish me luck! well, not too much for now. I will keep everyone updated with any changes and definitely do this more often once our bundle of joy arrives!


Blogger Stacyrn000 said...

Love that pic! This is cool, now I'll stop grilling you on how you are feeling every time we talk ;) Get Seth to give the baby a kiss from me!

March 23, 2009 at 2:20 PM  

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