Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, April 5, 2009


well, seth has been feeling under the weather for the last week or so and then I woke up last night with horrible back pain and cramping. I put up with it for a while, but it got so bad, I couldn't handle it anymore so we went in to the hospital to get checked out. baby looked good. and after being there about a half hour or so, I threw up my undigested dinner from over 18 hrs ago. my cramping and pain got a lot better after that so they let me go home and said I had a stomach bug. I was finally able to keep down a piece of bread this evening and am feeling significantly better but not tip top. I took off work tomorrow to make sure I can get this out of my system. just glad baby is doing well and I am feeling somewhat better.


Blogger CEBrecht said...

jamie - you poor thing!!!! I hope you are feeling better soon - keep me posted... make my brother give you a foot and back rub!

April 6, 2009 at 12:48 PM  

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