Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 weeks

Elle had her weight checked today and wasnt quite where we wanted her just yet. only up to 7lbs 13 oz so she gaind just under 4 oz in the last week. The dr said she is not worried but we did discuss some options and decided to try pumping and feeding by bottles so we know how much she is getting and giving her some formula if she seems like she is not getting enough. I did give her a formula bottle when we were out today because it was convenient and she wolffed it right down. so we'll see how it goes. we go back next week to check her weight again.


Blogger Lisa said...

Dang shes cute. : )

I cant to come & visit Em... whenever that is.. and maybe see you guys! : )

August 12, 2009 at 5:01 PM  

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