Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the great migration of 09

well, we are mostly moved in to the red house (my house from before we got married) we finally got our internet back today (I've been over a week without it!) and television maybe tomorrow. we have the essentials here but there's plenty to follow.

eleanor has been pretty cranky the last day or 2. she has a stuffy nose and has been rubbing her ears alot and chewing on her hands. I'm pretty sure she's teething. last night she woke up 4 times! she hasn't done that since she was under 2 months old! needless to say, I'm one tired mommy today. (seth was working nights and I had to work this morning) we hope this doesn't last too long. we tried some cereal last week, but she's not quite ready, she spit most of it out. her 4 month appt was last week and she was 15 lbs 6 oz and 25 1/2 inches long! she has gotten sooo big!

happy thanksgiving to everyone! we are planning on spending it with Seth's family.

here are a few of the latest pictures.


Blogger CEBrecht said...

she's so stinkin' cute!!! sorry again that we couldn't help with the move! we'll come see you guys and the house soon! enjoyed thanksgiving with you guys!
xo, em and fam

November 28, 2009 at 7:36 PM  

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