Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

we had a wonderful thanksgiving with grandma and grandpa Rusch, the Brechts, and Marna and Mary. Emily was so gracious to host and we had a wonderful time!

Eleanor started getting sick last week. at first I thought she was just teething, but she had a very stuffy nose that progressively worse. no cough, really, but by saturday, her lungs sounded pretty congested and mommy was getting worried. I tried to get her into the clinic and it was booked. after talking to a nurse, we got an appointment for monday. we spent some time in the bathroom with the shower running, sucking out the nose, and got a humidifier for her room and she was getting quite a bit better by sunday morning.

So sunday, we spent the day at grandma and grandpa Tousignant's. my sister and her family made a last minute trip up from IL. Curt and Austin went to the Vikings game and we all went to the mall. it was so nice for Eleanor to finally get to meet her cousins!


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