Life with the Rusch's

Monday, May 9, 2011

mother's day and stuff

I, of course, had to work mother's day... but it was still a pretty good day. lots of yummy treats at work, a nice steady but not crazy day, and after work spent some time with Seth and Eleanor before Seth had to work nights. Seth spoiled me by getting me the socks I asked for, as well as a gift certificate for 3 one hour massages. When I picked Eleanor up, Marsha had said she just wasn't herself and had a little temp. She was very mellow and snuggly and indeed had a temp. after some tylenol, she seemed pretty much back to normal.

This morning, I had to return the work phone I accidentally brought home yesterday, so while I was there I talked to a doc quick and he thought we should check her out and sure enough.... she has strep. poor thing! hopefully we are on our way back to normal.

playing dress up with Ava

Funny story....

last week, E had a little diaper rash so I let her run around without a diaper. she did great! 2 1/2 hours and no accidents! the next day, I had to work, but suggested Seth try it if he could.
10 minutes in, she peed on the floor. 20 minutes in, she pooped in a shoe box in the living room. lol! could have been worse! at least it wasn't on the couch!

notice a theme?.... our little girl is infatuated with toy story


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