Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 weeks

Eleanor is more alert now and focusing better. she is just starting to get interested in some of her toys and she likes music and motion. we are starting to get the routine a little and she is usually sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night. I am still trying to wake up about every 3 hours to pump to keep my milk supply up but I think its starting to catch up with me. I was sooooo tired this morning. Seth has been working 7 days a week and some of them 12 hr shifts so I have been doing most of the baby duties. he helps out when he can though. I left her for the first time the other day for a few hours with my mom while I had a dentist appointment. of course she was an angel for grandma and grandpa and fussy when we got home. here are a few of the most recent pictures.


Blogger Stacyrn000 said...

Awesome pics! Love the one where she is looking at you. So cute!!!!

August 20, 2009 at 9:27 PM  

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