Life with the Rusch's

Monday, May 17, 2010

What a Weekend!

With the exception of Seth having to work overtime, this weekend was about perfect. Friday and saturday, Eleanor spent a lot of time outside getting the garden planted and taking long walks. saturday morning we got a surprise visit from grandma and grandpa Rusch.. We grilled out twice and on Sunday Eleanor and I went to Como zoo with Stacy, Emily, Oliver and a few of Em's friends. Eleanor was way more interested in the people than the animals but she was in a great mood the whole day! we took her on the carousel and she LOVED it! wish we had a good picture, but we just couldn't get a good one. Today I had to work but spent some time outside afterwards. yet another wonderful evening.

Eleanor now has two teeth on the bottom. pretty darn cute. She made an Elephant mask at daycare. and new favorite activity is pulling out all her books at once.

Here are a few pics:
(I just had to steal that one, Em! thanks)


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