Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Eleanor's first Easter was a good one! Saturday, Eleanor and I met the Brecht's and grandma and grandpa Rusch at the mall for pictures with the easter bunny and then we came back to our place to visit for a while. Sunday started with church which Eleanor sat through amazingly. then we spent the day at grandma and grandpa Rusch's with the Brecht's and were joined by great grandma and grandpa Radunz. we had an awesome lunch, an easter egg hunt, some time in the sun, some great easter presents and a wonderful time relaxing with family. Elanor had a great day but was exhausted when we got home. she fell asleep in record time.

On another note, Seth finally shaved his beard after talking about it for a month or two... He is definitely a Rusch!


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