Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, February 25, 2010

On the mend

well, it's been about 2 weeks since we all got sick. I am feeling much better. Eleanor is still on antibiotics and doing quite a bit better. she still has a cough and runny nose but no fever and not so cranky. she's even back to sleeping through the night for the most part.

Seth had his appointment for his hand today. it is looking about 75% better, still oozing a little, but much improved. we found out that the bone is not involved. that is very good news! they did refer him to a surgeon mid march to talk about removing the cyst after the infection is under control or they think it will keep coming back. but we will have to see what the surgeon says. he got the clear to go back to work monday and to just call if we thought the antibiotics needed to be extended for a few more days.

so, all in all, we are on the mend and looking forward to getting back to normal!


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