Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today, was a rare day during the week that Seth and I both had off and it wasn't raining. so we had a wonderful morning at como zoo. Eleanor liked to watch the seals best I think. we also rode on the carousel. at first she liked it but then she got scared and I had to hold her the rest of the ride... she still had fun though, kicking her legs and bobbing her head, yelling weeeeeeeeee the whole time! on our way home we stopped at Sonic. a first for me and Eleanor... we all enjoyed it.

yesterday, I rearranged Eleanor's bedroom and put up her toddler bed. she was excited to see it when she got home but not so ready to sleep in it when it came to bedtime.

Eleanor is quite the goofball these days. most of the time she is wearing her sun glasses upside down and her pink stocking cap or a bucket on her head. She is quite partial to a few pairs of her pajamas to the point that we have to hide them.


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