Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, September 8, 2011

As Summer Ends

As summer ends, so does the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. Here I am at 27 weeks.
I failed my 1 hour glucose tolerance test last week, so next week, I have to do the 3 hour test.... not exactly looking forward to it, but hoping I pass that one and rule out gestational diabetes. this last week has been kind of rough, Eleanor and I have had a cold. and being sick while pregnant is just no fun and daddy has been working nights so I haven't had much time to rest, even though I've had 3 days off work. I have started my new position this week which means 12 hour shifts, but more days off. back to work tomorrow.

Eleanor found mommy's robe and just had to wear it

play date with Ava

pretending to have a sleep over

I am loving the new hair cut

playing with grampy in the new favorite toy

meeting up with grampy at the state fair

at the bottom of the big slide

she is still bringing this up! "I had fun with daddy on the big slide!"


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