Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feeling Lucky

With the big storm last night, we are feeling pretty lucky! we went into the bedroom and noticed that both windows (around a corner) were covered with tree! we hadn't heard anything hit. we went outside to investigate and discovered the neighbor's tree had split and fallen towards our house and up against it on both sides... but very lucky... no roof damage, no siding damage, no broken windows! in this picture, they had already cut the tree away from the windows.

Last Weekend was my father-in-law's retirement party. We were very lucky to have nice weather and lots of family and friends come out to celebrate! Congratulations Ron!

Grandma and Eleanor socializing

Eleanor and Cousin Ollie. She followed him everywhere!

Just hanging out in the Rocking Chair

Reading Daddy's paper

I have been feeling pretty good with the pregnancy so far. we have some busy weeks coming up. Thursday we leave for our Illinois trip, the next weekend is Eleanor's birthday and the week after that is my ultrasound!


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