Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Celebrating 2

Hard to believe it is almost that time!  with my work schedule and the holidays,  there wasn't a good time to celebrate closer to the actual date,so we did it a little early. 

My mom and Don came over in the morning and the kids played hard.  then Ben took a 4 hour nap and woke up just in time for the party guests to arrive!  We kept it pretty simple.  things he likes... pizza, popcorn, and cake.  Ben got tons of awesome gifts and all the kids had fun playing.  now heres the pics...  thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate!

                                                              all dressed up to party

                                                                  diving in

                                                        cant wait to play with each one



                                                   playing with cousin Ollie

                                                           and with Poppa Mike

                                                                    and with Eleanor

                                                              good times had by all!


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