Life with the Rusch's

Monday, July 29, 2013

summer vacation

This weekend went on our annual trip to my sister's house in Illinois.  The trip down on thursday wasn't too terrible until we missed our exit due to road construction and added 40 miles to our already 400 mile road trip!  we got there in the afternoon and spent about 4 hours in the pool, which was good because it was the only day that was warm enough to enjoy it!  our trip included a petting zoo,  a few parks, an indoor water park, and a visit with some old friends.

Eleanor had a blast following her big cousin Bailey around and playing with all of her cool stuff.  Ben had a blast chasing around the kitty cat. 

We had a great time, but man does it feel good to be home!

 petting zoo fun

 looking cool in cousin, Austin's hat

 playing at the park

 looking like a big boy!

 Our little oompah loompah! lol

 sibling love at our favorite place to stop and break up the trip


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