Life with the Rusch's

Monday, July 29, 2013


Sorry this is a little late but we have been busy!  on july 16, my little girl turned 4!  so hard to believe!  to celebrate, we finally made it to the Riversong festival that we have wanted to go to since it's first year, the year she was born.  We all enjoyed ourselves (at least for a few hours! lol)  Good music, good food, and lots of hula hoops!

On Sunday we had family and friends over for a party for Eleanor with pizza and cake, swimming and jumping.  good times were had by all!  and now for the pictures.....

 Our little rockstars giving a concert from their  "stage"


 fun with hula hoops

 Ben loved them and they were everywhere

 the cake... (numberjacks for those of you who are not familiar)

 swimming in the pool

 and jumping on the trampoline... cutie patootie Ada front and center

 playing with Eleanor's present from Grammy and Grampy  a lego table

excited about her new baseball bat (because it is green, her favorite color)


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