Life with the Rusch's

Friday, December 20, 2013


wow!  I've really fallen behind!  sorry it's been a busy month.  I am still working 2 out of every 3 weekends.  hopefully that will wrap up after January.  Also I have been doing more with my transitional care team lead position at work that has required some going in extra for meetings and working on projects, education, etc... can't believe Christmas is right around the corner!  We got all the shopping done, now we just need to find time to do the wrapping! 

Ben had his 2 year appointment and everything went well, though I was kind of surprised by where he landed on the charts.  only 40 % for height and 30% for weight.  He is really talking a lot more now,  putting sentences together.  He loves cars, trains, and being loud!  napping has become a challenge lately and the other night he decided to wake up at midnight and be up until 430 and then up again at 630.... made for a long day at work the next day for mommy!  Both kids had the stomach bug last weekend but it seems to be gone now and by some miracle, it did not really affect Seth or I.

Eleanor and I had a cookie making day with Grammy at the beginning of the month and Grammy and Grampy also took her to the Macy's santaland last week.  She told Santa she wants a Thomas the Train ramp and a robot, but she has since told me she changed her mind and doesnt want a robot anymore.  She is still loving school and has become quite independent and creative with her craft projects.

 Ben trying out the doll seat

 Sibling love

 trying out the snow man cookies

 the birthday boy


 Ice cream face


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