Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

day to day

We have just been busy with the day to day, normal stuff,  I realized it has been a while since I put anything up.  After my SIL, Emily's surgery, her kids were visiting in Hutch for a bit so one day I took all 4 to the rec center to burn some energy.  rare pics of all kids getting a long and smiling, lol!
We had our Rusch family Christmas last weekend, but I forgot my camera, oops!  It was very relaxed and laid back and good to spend time with family!

 Eleanor picked out her outfit all by herself.  Can you tell?

 Ben loves this car at the rec center that he can pedal around

 Look, Mom!  I look like Daddy!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Our Birthday Rockstar

Today Benjamin turned 3.  Hard to believe!  We decided to do his party at his favorite place in the world... Chuck E Cheese.  He sure did enjoy himself!  Ear to ear smiles all day!  Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate and helped keep track of the kids! 

 Super excited... and cute in his crown!

 up front with the other birthday kids, rocking out... .He stole the show!

 Ninja moves and cake

 He had a blast in the ticket blaster!

 got lots of great gifts!

 opening more gifts

 Grampy and the girls

Thursday, November 27, 2014


My sister and her family came up from Illinois for thanksgiving and it was nice to see them all and my mom and don and grandma and grandpa.  We don't see them often enough.  I work the rest of the weekend, but I am thankful that I got to spend some time with family. 

Coming into the holiday season this year, we received the kind of news that makes you look at your life and what you are thankful for... my sister in law Emily was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is a strong woman, with a positive attitude and the support of many friends and family. I am sure she will give this cancer a run for its money!  We love you Em!

 meet the band... my grandma on guitar and Eleanor on the miracas

 Ben just loving spending time with his uncle Curt

 the girl cousins and Grandma Cindy

Eleanor and my mom

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Birthdays, Halloween, and more

October is busy for us with lots of celebrations... we had our Niece, Ada's birthday October 13th and then for mine on the 25th my mom and Don took the kids over night while we stayed at the Westin downtown and went out for a fancy dinner at Fogo de Chao.  We had lots of fun.  (maybe too much!)
then came Halloween and trick or treating.  both kids got into it this year and we were out in the neighborhood for an hour or so and got way too much candy!  the next night was the 4h Halloween party at the fair grounds,  cheap entertainment where the kids got to see friends and play lots of games.   November 3rd I took my certification test for wound management that I have been working towards since last June.... a little nerve racking since I have not taken that type of test (it was pretty much like nursing boards)  since I took my nursing boards almost 15 years ago!  I passed and now I am able to use the initials CWCA (certified wound care associate) after my name.  Then the 4th was Seth's birthday, which we celebrated at country kitchen.

I am into my new schedule now (working straight nights in ob through the end of January)  and so far it is working out well, letting me be around in the morning to take Eleanor to the school bus.  we are in planning mode now, for Ben's upcoming birthday (the big 3), holidays, and hopefully a winter vacation.

now for the fun part.... the pictures!

 playing on the cool swing at their cousin's new house at Ada's purpliscious birthday party

 selfie before our dinner date

 the best I could get of the two together....

 The Dino

 The Hulk

 and Dino Hulk!

 we enjoyed a brisk walk to the park this morning,  probably not too many left this year

 Ben put his stickers on all by himself

 Eleanor posing in her new pajamas

 the kids looking cute
 a few pics at the 4H halloween party

Friday, October 10, 2014


I've really let it go awhile this time,  I meant to post earlier and realized my camera wasn't working and needed a new sd card.  lost a few pics I think.  So lets see,  what's been going on in the last month and a half?... Eleanor has been getting used to the school routine.  she seems to enjoy her time at school.  She doesn't really like getting up early on mornings we work though....

Ben recently had hand foot and mouth disease, but luckily know one else got it and he seems to be pretty much back to normal.  we have been working on potty training and he does really good... when he wants to.

My grandma had a stroke but is doing well now,  we all went down to United Hospital to visit her.   Though it was not a happy occasion, it was good to see some family we don't see very often.

 snuggle time!

 rockin out

 our Anna

 poppa mike and Ben checking out the fountain, takin a break from the hospital

 showing me his wet hand... it almost looks like hes doing the star trek thing

 our ninja turtle on her way to school

 Ben has been asking to go to "Chuck Cheese"  for weeks now so we made a surprise trip after school on thursday.

 Both kids had a blast!

 she was trying to sit in Barney's lap

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1st day of K

this morning was Eleanor's 1st full day of kindergarten!  she was so excited!  she kept asking "is it time to go yet?"  the walk to the bus stop was rainy but no complaints from her.  And when it was time, she got on the bus without looking back.  I can't wait to hear all about it tonight!

 Eleanor and Ava, They aren't in the same class, but they get to ride the bus together

 probably the last time in the pool for this year....

 Ben out for a ride

 I've been getting more adventurous with my crocheting

my little builder