Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, November 27, 2014


My sister and her family came up from Illinois for thanksgiving and it was nice to see them all and my mom and don and grandma and grandpa.  We don't see them often enough.  I work the rest of the weekend, but I am thankful that I got to spend some time with family. 

Coming into the holiday season this year, we received the kind of news that makes you look at your life and what you are thankful for... my sister in law Emily was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She is a strong woman, with a positive attitude and the support of many friends and family. I am sure she will give this cancer a run for its money!  We love you Em!

 meet the band... my grandma on guitar and Eleanor on the miracas

 Ben just loving spending time with his uncle Curt

 the girl cousins and Grandma Cindy

Eleanor and my mom


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