Life with the Rusch's

Friday, October 10, 2014


I've really let it go awhile this time,  I meant to post earlier and realized my camera wasn't working and needed a new sd card.  lost a few pics I think.  So lets see,  what's been going on in the last month and a half?... Eleanor has been getting used to the school routine.  she seems to enjoy her time at school.  She doesn't really like getting up early on mornings we work though....

Ben recently had hand foot and mouth disease, but luckily know one else got it and he seems to be pretty much back to normal.  we have been working on potty training and he does really good... when he wants to.

My grandma had a stroke but is doing well now,  we all went down to United Hospital to visit her.   Though it was not a happy occasion, it was good to see some family we don't see very often.

 snuggle time!

 rockin out

 our Anna

 poppa mike and Ben checking out the fountain, takin a break from the hospital

 showing me his wet hand... it almost looks like hes doing the star trek thing

 our ninja turtle on her way to school

 Ben has been asking to go to "Chuck Cheese"  for weeks now so we made a surprise trip after school on thursday.

 Both kids had a blast!

 she was trying to sit in Barney's lap


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