Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Birthdays, Halloween, and more

October is busy for us with lots of celebrations... we had our Niece, Ada's birthday October 13th and then for mine on the 25th my mom and Don took the kids over night while we stayed at the Westin downtown and went out for a fancy dinner at Fogo de Chao.  We had lots of fun.  (maybe too much!)
then came Halloween and trick or treating.  both kids got into it this year and we were out in the neighborhood for an hour or so and got way too much candy!  the next night was the 4h Halloween party at the fair grounds,  cheap entertainment where the kids got to see friends and play lots of games.   November 3rd I took my certification test for wound management that I have been working towards since last June.... a little nerve racking since I have not taken that type of test (it was pretty much like nursing boards)  since I took my nursing boards almost 15 years ago!  I passed and now I am able to use the initials CWCA (certified wound care associate) after my name.  Then the 4th was Seth's birthday, which we celebrated at country kitchen.

I am into my new schedule now (working straight nights in ob through the end of January)  and so far it is working out well, letting me be around in the morning to take Eleanor to the school bus.  we are in planning mode now, for Ben's upcoming birthday (the big 3), holidays, and hopefully a winter vacation.

now for the fun part.... the pictures!

 playing on the cool swing at their cousin's new house at Ada's purpliscious birthday party

 selfie before our dinner date

 the best I could get of the two together....

 The Dino

 The Hulk

 and Dino Hulk!

 we enjoyed a brisk walk to the park this morning,  probably not too many left this year

 Ben put his stickers on all by himself

 Eleanor posing in her new pajamas

 the kids looking cute
 a few pics at the 4H halloween party


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