Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


 It is hard to believe that summer is winding down, school supply shopping and waiting to hear which kindergarten class Eleanor will be in...we are trying to make the most of what is left, packing as much fun as we can into our days off.  Eleanor went to valley fair a few weeks ago with the neighbors and had a BLAST!  we made a trip to the Glencoe pool, the McLeod County fair and met up with an old friend and her son at the MN Zoo.  Eleanor has a big camping trip approaching and she is looking forward to that, though I am sure Ben will be lost without her for 2 days!

 Eleanor sporting one of her new outfits she got for her birthday

 kids found the old halloween costumes and were trying them on.
 Eleanor wore this one at 18 months... I was shocked she managed to get it on!

 Ben is pretending to be a squirrel

 just licking my feet mom
 she is getting so grown up!
 Ben was showing me his "tool belt"

 the 3 kids played great together and it was a perfect day for it

 growl like a tiger!

 it was a hot day and the kids loved playing in the water


 the rides were definitely their favorite part of the fair

Ben's first dentist appointment.  he did awasome!


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