Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, March 22, 2009

first pics of baby rusch

the ultrasound was almost a month ago now but I thought I would share these pics for the people who haven't gotten to see them yet.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Getting started

Well, I haven't really tried this blogging thing before, but it seems to be a good way to update everyone on all the changes in our lives. Married life has been pretty great so far. It's been a whole month already. and the pregnancy is going pretty good... I can't complain... too much. really I've had it pretty easy, but lately I'm starting to feel pregnant.. achey and emotional. but those are minor. I am feeling the baby move tons now! very exciting! I am 24 weeks if you go by dates, the ultrasound put me 8 days behind that but I am choosing to ignore that and go with the original dates for now. my next dr appointment is april 9th. I will also be checked for gestational diabetes that day so wish me luck! well, not too much for now. I will keep everyone updated with any changes and definitely do this more often once our bundle of joy arrives!