Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, May 30, 2009

baby shower

had the baby shower today! it was a lot of fun! thanks to everyone who came. and thank you to emily and teryl for planning and executing it. and thank you to everyone for all of the wonderful gifts! I am getting anxious to meet the little one!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

31 weeks

well, not a whole lot new here. just thought i'd put up another pic. we finally got started painting the nursery today. yay. still needs a few coats though. we had a night out with some friends on friday and that was a lot of fun. baby is quite active these days though as soon as I tell some one to look at my jumping belly, it stops. only to start again as soon as they turn their head.

Monday, May 4, 2009


well, we had a wonderful weekend getaway to duluth. some much needed relaxation. we did some hiking at gooseberry and stopped at betty's pies. we met up with seth's cousin elizabeth for dinner and stopped and saw the brecht's on the way home. well, now its back to reality.