Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

time flies!

it is hard to believe, but i have to go back to work next wednesday already! I have so enjoyed my time off and it will certainly be an adjustment to go back. we are trying to finish up at the red house this week and have a busy weekend coming up. i am a groomsmaid in a wedding and eleanor will be spending the night with grandma and grandpa Rusch. Can't believe its almost October!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

some new pictures

here's a few new pictures of junior. she's really got some personality now!

Friday, September 18, 2009

2 month check up

We had the check up today and Eleanor got her first shots... not too bad so far. sleepy and a little fussy. She is 11 lbs, 10 1/2 oz and 23 inches. 75th percentile for both height and weight. she thinks she has slight exzema to her face and the hernia is still there, otherwise normal check up.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

spoil mommy day

For those of you who don't know, ... my husband is amazing! yesterday morning he left for work at 6:30 am as usual and then at about 8, I was laying in the bedroom with Eleanor when I heard footsteps and was a little freaked out. In comes Seth with a dozen roses and a card and a gift certificate for an hour long massage. He said it was "Spoil Mommy Day" he made me lunch then I had my massage, he had arranged for our friend Maggie to watch Eleanor (thanks Maggie!) and then he took me to St paul to our favorite mexican resteraunt that I haven't been to in over a year. what a wonderful day! Eleanor even pitched in by sleeping 8 hrs! today it is back to reality, dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, etc....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

8 weeks

Eleanor is getting sooo big! she is sleeping well at night and pretty alert during the day. she loves to lay on the floor and play with toys and kick for hours. yesterday we went garage saling but didnt find much. today we spent the afternoon and evening at uncle corey's birthday party. we had a great time but had to leave because the bugs got so bad.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekened

we had a nice, busy weekend. friday we had dinner at grandma and grandpa rusch's with the brechts, Eleanor was a little fussy though so we left rather early. we were off to the cities early saturday, we dropped Elle off at grandma and grandpa tousignant's and then seth and I spent a long day at the fair, we had a blast but came home sore as we are not used to all that walking! sunday, Elle and I went shopping in St cloud with Em, Ollie, and Teryl, while Seth did some painting at the red house. Elle went to bed early and Seth and I spent some much needed quality time together. today Seth is working at the red house again and Elle and I are going to try to tackle grocery shopping.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


these pictures were so cute, I couldnt resist sharing! we are looking forward to a weekend off with daddy. dinner with the Brechts and gramma and grandpa Rusch tomorrow and the fair on saturday. hopefully we will have time to relax and get some work done on the red house. hope everyone has a good labor day weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


just a quick note... Eleanor smiled at daddy yesterday after he gave her a kiss! can't wait to catch it on camera! and she slept 8 hours last night! mommy was so happy!