Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, January 10, 2010

been a while

so far the new year has been pretty good for us....Eleanor is teething so we have had a few rough nights... and it always seems to happen when we work the next morning. oh well, we've been pretty spoiled by her sleeping so well so far. we just wish the teeth would just break through already so she is not hurting. she has the new talent of sitting up all by herself and it is one of her favorite things to do. she is getting to be such a big girl! next appointment is the 27th. I'll update with all the stats then.

a big thanks to Heidi and Tracy for hanging out with her last night so Seth and I could have a night on the town. We had a very good time (even though we payed for it this morning) we tried out the new seafood place in town and were both impressed with our meals and then we went to the lamplighter and had some drinks. It was just nice to have some us time so thanks again girls!


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