Life with the Rusch's

Monday, March 29, 2010

not much

Not a whole lot new here. seems like we've been busy though. Enjoying the weather and getting out when we can. Seth had his finger "surgery" it was just in the office. cut the cyst sack out and got a few stitches. didn't even have to miss work. he should get the stitches out next week and hopefully this whole thing will be behind us.

Eleanor is "talking" a lot. except when other people are around. lol. I took her to the park with Maggie and Gage and Ava yesterday and we went down a slide together and swung with her on my lap. she really had no reaction at all. She is starting to clap a little and will give five. so cute.

I tried to add more pictures, but for some reason, only these 2 would work.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

THE GOOD: Seth's parents were generous enough to watch Eleanor overnight saturday so we could go to Mankato to go see the White Iron Band with my dad and Joannie. We had a lot of fun It was a great night out.

THE BAD: Eleanor woke up screaming and had thrown up and then she threw up some more. I feel so bad that that happened. My poor little baby.

THE UGLY: me this morning. let's just say it was rough and there is a good likelihood I will not be drinking again for a long time!

I don't have any pictures from the weekend but here are a few of the more recent ones.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Great Bacon Get Together

This weekend we had some much needed relaxation. saturday morning we headed to the Brecht's house. just for something different, we had planned a dinner centered around bacon.

the meal: peanut butter bacon truffles
tomato bacon biscuit cups
bacon wrapped pork chops
peanut bacon cole slaw
cheesy bacon apple pie

em also made some tira mi su brownies that I really liked.

we had a great time this weekend hanging out, playing dice and wii, watching movies and we went for a walk today to enjoy the wonderful weather.

eleanor was in a good mood most of the weekend and oliver is starting to warm up to his youngest cousin. it was very adorable to see them play together!

Thanks Brechts! looking forward to doing it again soon sometime!

here's a few pics of the kids