Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

back with a vengence....

teething, that is. we've had a couple sleepness nights lately. let's hope the front top teeth poke through soon. otherwise, Eleanor is doing great! practicing some new sounds... her newest is a breathy "hhhhhhhahhhh" she is loving to clap a lot and doing silly things like putting her toys on her head. she is starting to pull herself up but hasn't perfected it yet. getting better at the crawling thing.

we enjoyed memorial day weekend with some relaxing at home. Seth had to work nights friday and saturday but sunday and monday were spent mowing the lawn and smoking some meat! it was nice to just chill at home as a family.

now to buckle down for the next week and a half or so. I work a lot and Seth and I are opposite most of the time.


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