Life with the Rusch's

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's day

First let me apologize for slacking on updating the blog. Life has been pretty busy. mostly working, trying to keep up with the yard and garden, and keeping up with Eleanor! She has totally got the crawling thing down now and is also pulling herself to stand. She's got such a personality! still loves peek a boo and clapping is oh so entertaining. She is also doing "soo big" now.

Saturday, Eleanor had a wonderful evening with my dad and Joanie, it was good to see them, it's been quite a while.

the week leading up to Father's day, Seth and I pretty much worked opposite hours so it was a nice surprise when he called me on my way home sunday and he told me he was taking off work at 4 to spend time with us! after picking up Eleanor, we were unable to get to our house (because of the parade) so we met up with Seth and went out to grandma and grandpa Rusch's and visited with the Rusch/Radunz side of the family. For father's day, Seth got a hammock (hopefully he will have some time to enjoy it!)

I haven't been as good about pictures lately, but here are a few fairly recent ones.


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