Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Brecht sleepover/ Fair

This week was a little out of our norm. Seth took vacation to get some work done at the Biscay house and I had a conference in Plymouth for 3 days for TCAB (transforming care at the bedside) our daycare was on vacation so Eleanor spent a day with our neighbor Tina and friday at grandma Rusch's.

Saturday morning was quite productive for me... I canned tomato sauce and "green sauce" my hot sauce recipe. Seth got up bright and early and started smoking a pork roast, ribs, and sausage. the Brechts arrived in the afternoon and we had a wonderful dinner outside. I especially liked the fact that I was not bothered by mosquito's. Eleanor was very tired and went to bed early and Oliver played in the kiddie pool. later we had a blast playing Just Dance on the Wii. very entertaining.

Sunday we went to the McLeod county fair and it was hot!! we had a good time, but Eleanor started to have a little melt down by the end. She loved to ride the carousel but hated getting off. she was so hot I had to take her in the bathroom and splash her with water. I have to say we were all happy to get home... even though we had tons of cleaning to do! now we are just winding down, back to reality in the morning.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Elle's First Road Trip

we just got back from a much needed vacation to IL. we stayed with my sister and visited a few of my dearest oldest friends, did lots of swimming and talking and eating. we went to the petting zoo/ park and we got my niece Bailey hooked on geochaching. Eleanor even got her first haircut while we were gone. (thanks again, Kate!) we had a wonderful time despite a slight rough start.... the car died on the way down.... 1 block from our destination. it ended up needing a new alternator and was done the same day. it could have been a lot worse. we drove during the night both ways and that is the way to go with a small child for sure. she did really well.

It was over too fast and I already miss my friends and family... can't wait to go back next year!