Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, December 26, 2010

3 days of Christmas

our Christmas started friday. I had to work until 1 and then we headed to my mom's in Eagan and celebrated with my mom and grandparents and aunt and cousin and her new baby. Saturday morning we had our celebration at home (Seth and I got eachother the exact same present! lol) and then headed to Seth's grandparents in the afternoon. Today we spent the whole day at Seth's parents house and were joined by the Brecht's. It was a very enjoyable weekend. We all ate too much though and today my cold was getting the better of me. Eleanor got soooo many wonderful presents and played her little heart out all 3 days. We had a blast, but it will be kind of nice to get back to the normal routine.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sick of the sickness!

this week was Seth's annual fishing trip. after work friday, Eleanor and I headed to the cities to spend time with the Brecht's and grandma Rusch. we woke up to a winter wonderland and Eleanor woke up with a crusty , goupy eye which progressed as the day went on to swollen red eye and face. afraid of going out in the blizzard, but worried about how fast this was spreading, I called and talked to one of the doctors I work with who called in some antibiotics for her. when I ventured to the pharmacy, they were shoveling their cars out and told me they closed early because of the weather, so I was unable to get her antibiotics until ten the next morning. now, it progressed to the other eye, and she was getting a bit cranky. monday, she was getting worse, not better so I took her to the dr. who said she had pink eye, cellulitis (a soft tissue infection) in her face, and her ear and throat looked infected too. today, she was still getting high fevers so hopefully tonight she will turn the corner.

on a happier note, seth returned home from his fishing trip a day early and I was very thankful to have him back to help out!

also, grandpa mike has a job in town for a while so he came to stay with us this week. It is nice to see Eleanor get a little more used to him.