Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I apologize it has been a while since I have updated. Things are pretty good here. we are in a period of crazy schedules. I am working more evenings and nights this month so we are looking forward to next also looking forward to next month because it is Seth and I's 2 year anniversary and we are getting away for the weekend to black bear casino with corey and em for a brew fest and trampled by turtles show! yay!
we have been trying to keep busy inside since it is so cold lately! lots of reading and painting and playing and being silly. Eleanor loves to be silly! making faces and shouting and dancing and putting things on her head.

playing music with her feet!

she grabbed a pair of mommy's underwear while folding laundry and decided to try them on.... she wore this around for about 45 minutes. everytime I took them off of her, she just put them right back on! lol

One of her favorite new silly faces

giving puppy a kiss

painting a pretty picture