Life with the Rusch's

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Emily forwarded some pics from the weekend so I thought I would share... as well as some newer ones of our little dare devil.

Monday, February 21, 2011

2 years

2 years ago, today, I married my best friend and the love of my life. He continues to support and encourage me and is one of my two favorite people in the world!

we celebrated by going to a brew fest and trampled by turtle concert at black bear casino. we had a blast but it was back to reality once we had to drive home in the snow. now tonight, it is back to work for me.

I did not take any pictures this weekend... sorry. the reminicent wedding photos will have to do

Thursday, February 17, 2011


trying on mommy's boots

feeding Scottie some cheese. (I had to dig it out with a Q tip later)

check out my cool new hat!

Well, this month has found Eleanor and I battling cold symptoms. (Seth has also been battling sinus stuff since like October) Eleanor got a bad cough about 3 weeks ago and I followed. we both still have it hanging on. E also had double ear infection and is getting 4 teeth.

We are all getting cabin fever. we have had a few play dates lately with our neighbor girl, Ava and mom Maggie. Eleanor has been quite the jabber box and occasionaly it's understandable. she loves to say "shoes" and "choo choo" and "go go go"

tomorrow we are bringing Eleanor to grandma and grandpa's for the weekend and we are heading north to celebrate our anniversary, drink some good beer, listen to good music, and spend some time with good friends!