Life with the Rusch's

Monday, August 22, 2011

Da Da Hair

Eleanor loves Dora. She calls her Da Da. not because she can't say Dora, but in case you are from another planet and have not heard the theme song, It goes Da da da da da Dora. I would sing it to her and then she went from saying Dora to Da Da. anyways.... Eleanor's hair has been getting pretty long, and tangled, and increasingly difficult to brush, or put in a pony tail. It is constantly in her face. Seth has been telling me for a while that we should get it cut. I was resistant, but when I got home from work today, I gave in and we took her to get her first real haircut. A Dora haircut. She watched Daddy get his hair cut first and she didn't like it. but then when it was her turn, she actually did amazingly well. She sat on mommy's lap and when the stylist mentioned her new haircut looked like Dora's, you could tell she thought was cool. And I have to say she sure does look cute! and she will point to her hair and say Da Da Hair cut. so, here are some pictures before and after:


And After

Side View

And the Back

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

work, work, work

Seth and I have been dreading this week for a while. we each have to work 6 days this week which means not seeing so much of each other. Other than that, things have been good. I got a prenatal massage last week which was amazing. Sunday, Maggie and I attempted to take the kids to Cars 2 at the cheap theater, we made it about 45 minutes before I left with the little ones. We have been enjoying the not quite as hot weather so we can actually spend some time outside.

Eleanor plays with these dolls pretty much every day. she figured out all by herself how to hang them form the blinds

play date with ava


We also have been working hard to limit the pacifier to nap and bed time only. it has been pretty successful. (notice it's not in her mouth in any of the pictures! yeah)

Eleanor is slightly obsessed with "Tommy" lately. She loves her new shirt, but it's hard to get her out of it!