Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tis the Season!

Well,  it's been a pretty good December,  especially this last 4 days celebrating Christmas!  We started off saturday spending the whole day at Seth's parents.  Sunday, I picked up a day shift at work (I had a moment of weakness when they asked)  but was home by 330 and did some baking with Eleanor and some other prep work for Monday,  my sister and her family and my Dad and Joanie came over for the afternoon and we had a Mexican themed Christmas.  Tuesday we opened presents from Sant in the morning and then we went to my Grandpa Jim's bar and saw some family I haven't seen in a long time!  then we made it back to town in time to spend an hour or two at Seth's grandparent's place.  now home to put toys together and clean up and relax and blog.  watching the kids play awsomely together..... with one of the boxes! lol

 Eleanor really got in to playing outside during the big snow fall

 all dressed up for her Christmas party at daycare

 Benjamin relaxing and playing with the kindle fire

 loving cousin time with Oliver (she loves to be his shadow)

 Eleanor, playing with one of her favorite new toys,  a Doc McStuffins and Lamby dolls

                                                          Story time with Grammy

 Ben, my little rocker!  I love this pic!
 another one of my faves.... Benjamin, playing with one of many new cars and his new rug

 lovin some snuggle time with cousin, Bailey

 Ben's new wheels

big smiles Christmas morning!

Monday, December 10, 2012

the stats

well, as promised, here are the stats from today's visit... 31.5 inches tall which is in the 92 percentile and 22.2 lbs which is in the 41 percentile.  still tall and lean.  everything went well, he is right where he should be.  hard to believe he is so big already!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

guess who's one!

 mamma's little walker!
 making the cupcake toppers (milky way race cars)
 look who's 1!
 Eleanor has been way in to painting lately
 He's in the band!

 enjoying a birthday cupcake!
 Benjamin getting some help opening presents
Hard to believe, but my son is one!  his birthday was thursday and he also started walking on thursday!  On saturday we celebrated by having family over and having pizza and cupcakes.  He got lots of great presents including cars, a ride on motorcycle, and a batcave!  he had a blast playing with everything (and so did Eleanor!)  We woke up to quite a bit of snow this morning so we got out and played in it... he seemed to enjoy himself.  off to the doctor tomorrow so I will update with the stats after that.