Life with the Rusch's

Monday, February 11, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Wednesday, Eleanor spent the night at her cousin Oliver's with Grammy and Grampy and they took them to the mall of america to go on rides on thursday.  It was wierd not having her around but she sure had a blast!

We enjoyed having the weekend off together.  We got our taxes done and our very old tv decided to expire, so we went out and got a new one.  We also got Eleanor a new game for the wii,  Nickolodeon characters just dance.  She was very excited and super cute dancing all weekend.  (it also has all of my favorite kid show jingles in one convenient spot! yay!) 

Sunday, we hunkered down while it snowed and  then got outside to play in it.  we finally got a snowman built  (it is now bending over and only a matter of time until it falls  :(  )

 watching the birds at the bird feeder

 my new glasses arrived earlier this week... still getting used to them!

 Ben, relaxing in his sister's hat

 Eleanor loved playing outside!  I think she could of stayed out there all day!

 Ben wasn't too sure what to think....

 Eleanor eating a snow "pear"

 Our little dare devil climbed right up to get a good view of Daddy using the snowblower!

 Ben, enjoying a snack after coming inside

snuggling on the couch early morning


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