Life with the Rusch's

Monday, November 5, 2012


 Our pumpkins
 Ben liked crawling around on the newspaper on the floor more than anything
 Eleanor didn't want to touch the insides because "it's icky" so daddy did the dirty work under her direction
 proud of her work
 all dressed up ...... Ben, the biker dude....
 and Eleanor as Mickey Mouse (don't mistake her as Minnie or she would correct you)
 Seth took off work for Halloween this year so we could take the kids out.  first they had their party at daycare, then we went to Grammy and Grampy's.  then we went to great grandma and grandpa's assisted living ( where one of the ladies thought Ben's tattoos were real! lol  a few friends houses and then home to pass out candy.  Eleanor called all the kids her"customers"  too cute!


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