Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

new year, new schedule

so far, 2013 has been good to us.  Seth has started his straight day position and we are all loving having him around in the evening.  we all had the weekend off together.  mostly we just lounged but  Seth also got some work done at the Biscay house.   Ben is working on his molars, walking everywhere and climbing!  his new skill is climbing Eleanor's stool!  and he loves playing with his big sister!  Eleanor is still loving learning.  she can now count into her thirties and is starting to recognize words!  I swear, sometimes I think she has a photographic memory!

 Ben's other new skill is tantrum
 Eleanor, chilling in her "tent"
 hours of fun with a laundry basket
 what a big boy!  he wants to help with dishes!


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