Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Go go go

Ben is finally talking a little more and his favorite word is Go!  ( that pretty much sums him up as well)  he is active!  man are we looking forward to being able to get outside more to expend some energy!  We have managed to get out for some walks lately which has been nice.  yesterday,  Seth even grilled some steaks!  Ben had his dr appointment last week and was 87th percentile for height and 45th for weight.  everything is normal.  slightly behind on language (how many words he says)  but the dr assures me he is fine.  I'm not really worried.  he says more each day.  He is a climber!  yesterday I watched him climb up a kitchen chair on to the kitchen table all by himself!

Eleanor has been in school mode lately,  "reading" to herself and working on her activity book.  we checked out some preschools yesterday and registration for fall is this week.  Eleanor just wanted us to drop her off and pick her up later!  lol.  She has been very good playing with and sharing with Ben.


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