Life with the Rusch's

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sleeping is dangerous

This weekend we went to the cities for dinner to celebrate my sister in law's birthday at Stella's fish cafe.  we had a very good meal and a good time out.  Eleanor was super excited to have a sleep over at Grammy and Grampy's house.  for anyone who has ever slept near Eleanor, she is an active sleeper... tossing and turning and what not..  anyways, she fell out of bed about 3 in the morning.  when she got home, she was complaining about her left shoulder.  she had already iced it and we iced it some more.  we continued to give her ibuprofen... then I made her a sling out of some fabric and she said that felt better.  she was mostly normal through the weekend but would complain every time we changed clothes, or moved it certain ways.  she was definitely guarding the left arm and she woke up crying this morning that it still hurt.  so we went to the dr this morning and got an  x ray.  she was a rock star at the appointment and didn't cry at all even when the Dr was moving it all around.  turns out she broke her collar bone.  she should be in a sling (the gave her a real one instead of my home made version) for about 2-3 weeks then we will re x ray and see how it is healing.  she's been a trooper!

saturday night, I was surprised to hear a band I liked, the gear daddies were playing in hutchinson, and even more surprised when a coworker gave me free tickets,  so we got a sitter and enjoyed the show!

sunday, we made a trip to Grandma Cindy's house and relaxed. 

now for the pics...

 ice cream treats ( and the home made sling lol)

 Ben turning into a smurf....

 Ben unwrapped about a half roll of toilet paper ... and then blew his nose on it

Eleanor, will be sporting this flowery fashion accessory for a few weeks

Monday, September 16, 2013

hair cuts and first days

It was time for us all to get haircuts (except Seth) Ben was getting a little Shaggy....

Mom having fun with the new cut

 looking serious and all grown up!

 I had no before picture for me, but here is my after

a silly pic of Eleanor

Eleanor's hair was starting to grow out and she was asking for it to be cut again

after her hair cut 
excited on her 1st day of preschool and 1st day of sunday school!

Monday, September 2, 2013

labor day

Labor day weekend has been a relaxing one for the Rusch's.  we got some chores done around the house, mowed the lawn and spent some time as a family.  we did some geocaching on the Luce line, Eleanor had a sleepover next door on friday and on Sunday, we all went out to grammy and grampy's  for a fire and family time.  Eleanor got to have another sleepover there with her cousin Oliver and she slept in the camper for the first time.

 Some activities to keep the kids busy

Loving that it's not too hot to play outside.

 Our little b baller.

 all the kids loved the tractor rides
