Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Year

As another year arrives and I've now been around for 36 of them I realize how lucky I am and appreciate everything I have... A wonderful loving husband, a smart thoughtful daughter, an energetic playful son and many friends, coworkers and family.  My actual birthday was a pretty relaxing day,  spending the morning with the kiddos while Seth was working,  enjoying coffee from my new keurig,  and then napping while Ben napped and Eleanor was at school.  We went out to dinner at Country Kitchen,  I was impressed with how well both kids behaved. 

Saturday we cleaned out the garage and put away the outside stuff and went for a walk. We also replaced the faucet in the bathroom with one that is easier for Eleanor to turn on.   then I went out for a drink with a friend. 

Sunday we did some prep work in Ben's room as we are planning on painting it a more manly color soon.  ( it is currently yellow and until recently had lady bug and butterfly border)
We also introduced chore charts for the kids with the incentive that when they recieve 10 stickers they can go to the dollar store (Eleanor calls it Ballooney's) and pick something out.  never has Eleanor been so helpful, she was asking me to do some more laundry so she could help fold it.  lol, we will see how long this lasts!

 silly mommy

 dancing queen

 happy boy

 pretty girl

 fall fun

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ada Potato

Our niece, Ada turned 2 yesterday and we had a wonderful evening celebrating.  the theme was pink.

 Even Benjamin wore some pink...

 Birthday girl

 mommy and Eleanor

 not the best picture, but you can still see the adoration on her face... she loves her cousin Oliver

also since the last post, Eleanor's collar bone is pretty much back to normal, they say 6 weeks until considered completely healed, but she is acting normal now and never complains about it.  pretty much done with the sling.

I helped chapparone eleanor's first field trip to a Dairy farm.  here is the class picture.b

 Sibling love

 Eleanor making a funny face.