Life with the Rusch's

Friday, January 10, 2014

the new year...

10 days in and a pretty good year so far... today, after many days of cold, it was nice enough to get outside.  The kids and I went to my friend, Rachel's house and did some snowshoeing and playing on the lake.  and climbed up the hills and scooped snow.

This weekend should be my last of the extra night shift weekends and it will be nice to have more time off with the fam.  We were able to get our money back from the debit card ordeal without too much trouble, and after a few more obstacles we were able to book our trip to Key west.  we leave january 30th and I can't wait!

During the coldest of the cold snap my car died and when we jumped it all the dash lights and gages wouldn't come back on... we thought we were doomed as far as cost goes after they had it for 3 days and said they were having a hard time figuring it out, but today they called and I get it back and it was only $130!  not too bad,  it will be nice to have my ride back!  and I have to thank everyone who went out of their way to help us and get me to and from work!

January 4th we did Christmas at my mom and Don's and Nana and Pa were able to come.  they played christmas songs on their guitars to entertain us.

 Eleanor has decided she wants to grow her hair out.... we will see how it goes

 Ben's favorite new present.  Race truck!  he kept shouting over and over...

 and Eleanor loved her Doc McStuffins notepad

 Ben and Puppeye

 Eleanor trying out a new look

 putting some money in a cup for great grandma and grandpa

 listening intently

 snuggling with Grandma Cindy

 and snuggling with Grandpa Don

 my sleeping beast napping on the couch today

 blurry pic but the kids playing with Ben's new fishing set

 Fishing vest or Straight jacket?

 Eleanor made us dinner... string cheese wrapped in a crescent roll

now Eleanor says she would like to type something.  everything after this point is all her....




(she asked me how to spell Key West.  the rest was all her, lol)


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