Life with the Rusch's

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Is it spring yet?

The few nice days we have had have only made me itch for nicer weather!  2 years ago at this time we had Ben's baptism and it was 70 degrees that day!  and today we are expecting a snow storm!  I guess I should be used to it by now... it's not like I am new to Minnesota. 

Eleanor had spring break last week, but had to stay home from daycare sick one day due to illness.  Work has been busy for me as the program I am helping with is getting going.  In addition to my regular work, I am working on processes, protocols and policies as well as training staff.

I was getting tired of Ben's shaggy hair, and as I have not been impressed the last two times I took him for haircuts I took a buzzer to it myself.  it's not perfect,  but better than it was. 

Eleanor's hair is getting longer and I am having to get creative with fixing it when she lets me. 

Some of the highlights for the last few weeks were going to Nickelodeon Universe with Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Don,  getting outside for walks, and Daddy built an indoor sandbox in the basement for the days we cant get outside.

I have been practicing crocheting,  something I haven't done in quite a while.  I still have some practicing to do, but I like that the projects go pretty quickly.

here are a few pics: