Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ninja Turtle Power

first of all, I must apologize, it has been a while since I've updated.  Time flies when it's summer.... hard to believe we are well into July already!  also hard to believe that my Eleanor is 5!  on her birthday she had her Dr's appointment and she got 3 shots.  (not much of a birthday present, I know)  but she took it like a champ!  and then we spent the day doing whatever she wanted, which was going to the park and playing with a new game I got her,  Mouse trap.  then we went out to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings with Grammy. 

today was Eleanor's party which was Ninja Turtle themed.  we were worried it was gonna rain, but never really did.  We had a good time with friends and family. 

 My little Ham!

 Trying to keep the hair out of her eyes... she doesn't mind it as much as mom does

 Where's Ben?
 one of Eleanor's presents from us... she loved riding all over town on it.

 Ben, the natural
 the kids and their Balloon masterpiece

 Eleanor let everyone pitch in and help open presents.

 the cake.  Eleanor picked every detail and helped me make it.

 Ada and Ava.  fast friends.

 Eleanor and her friend Karl.

 the 2 fishes, Eleanor and Oliver

 Show me your Ninja moves....

Daddy showing the kids one of Eleanor's new pets.  She got 4 hermit crabs from her poppa mike.  as of tonight she told me they were named Blop Blop, Jop Jop, Grab Grab, and Krabby.  we will see if those names last.

We have a couple of busy weeks coming up,  next week Eleanor has two swimming lessons a day and then the next week she has practice kindergarten and swimming lessons in the evening.