Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Crazy and Cute

I was uploading my pictures from my phone and camera and realized there sure is a lot of cute and silly pictures of the kids this spring so far so I thought I would share. 
 Ben thinks chapstick goes on the bottom of his feet.... I have no idea where he picked that up

 gotta love spaghetti face pics.  Ben brings it to a whole new level

 he insists this is how to wear a baseball cap

 from when we went to chuckie cheese. 

 hey,  at least she has a helmet on right- backwards counts!

 on our way to go swimming he insisted on wearing the Dora life jacket
 just chillin in mom's nightgown

 showing off her new bling from Grandma Cindy

 this guy is gonna break some hearts!

just decided to "take a nap" on his table

doing "train rides"  on the slide
can't believe he can climb this alone already!

look mom!  we're climbing trees!

Ben playing dress up with Eleanor

"crazy dress" day at school

Ben found this backpack at a garage sale and wore it all the way home.

playing doctor

a genuine smile that is hard to catch in pictures

blowin bubbles


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