Life with the Rusch's

Thursday, April 23, 2009

my growing belly!

well, nothing too exciting at my dr's appointment today. everything is going well. my measurements are normal this week and believe it or not, I have only gained half a pound so far! here are a few pictures of how much i've grown.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


well, I had my appointment today and everything looks good. I passed my diabetes test so that is a relief. my hemoglobin was just slightly low. I still have not gained any weight (not for lack of eating!) my fundal height is measuring just slightly on the large side. baby's heart rate is still in the 140's, so doing good. I now start my every two week appointments. can't believe it's that time already. I am feeling much better now... thank goodness that stomach thing only lasted about a day and a half. well, nothing too exciting... I'll keep you posted. enjoy the weather- it finally feels like spring! yay!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


well, seth has been feeling under the weather for the last week or so and then I woke up last night with horrible back pain and cramping. I put up with it for a while, but it got so bad, I couldn't handle it anymore so we went in to the hospital to get checked out. baby looked good. and after being there about a half hour or so, I threw up my undigested dinner from over 18 hrs ago. my cramping and pain got a lot better after that so they let me go home and said I had a stomach bug. I was finally able to keep down a piece of bread this evening and am feeling significantly better but not tip top. I took off work tomorrow to make sure I can get this out of my system. just glad baby is doing well and I am feeling somewhat better.