Life with the Rusch's

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm feeling ready!

well, I've been contracting on and off... the get really regular and fairly strong and then they just stop. only to start again. and stop again. the heat is miserable. I am feeling puffy and uncomfortable. at my appointment last thursday, my cervix hadn't really changed from the last time I was checked. I picked up a few shifts at work this weekend to make a little extra cash and I was hoping it would help speed things up! no such luck so far! well 2 1/2 weeks to go. my next appointment is on wednesday. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


well, nothing too exciting at the dr's appointment today. I am still dilated to 1cm. 50% effaced but still pretty high. I am ok to go back to work tomorrow. she said I probably will contract and thats ok. just to take breaks and if the get really strong to have my cervix checked. I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


well, the nursery is pretty much done. just needs one more piece of trim board put up. I'm supposed to be taking it easy for a few days and I'm getting a little restless. Still having some contractions, but way milder than yesterday. I'll update any progress after my appointment tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


35 weeks

well, I went in for a night shift last night and about the time I got there I realized I was contracting about every 5 minutes or so. I managed to work my whole shift (it wasnt real busy) and then I checked in to OB to get checked out after my shift. I continued to have contractions every 3-5 minutes. I got a shot of terbuteline and some IV fluids to see if that would make them stop since I'm still a little early. they checked my cervix and I am dialated to 1cm. the contractions never really slowed down or stopped but I got to go home and I'm just supposed to take it easy and go back in if they get a lot worse. and I had to take off work tonight. I have my next appointment on thursday.