Life with the Rusch's

Friday, July 31, 2009

forgot to mention

i forgot to mention that for more pictures you can check out

2 weeks

elle is up to 7# 10 0z now. not quite back to birth weight but well on he way. she is sleeping fairly good and is much more alert these days. we went to the litchfield fair yesterday but it rained most of the time. today we are just chillin and spending time with daddy. we are going to miss him when he goes back to work monday!

Monday, July 27, 2009

meeting mommy's side of the family

saturday, grandma cindy and grandpa don had a barbeque so family and friends could come and meet eleanor. despite a quick rain shower, it turned into a wonderful day. thanks to all the family and friends who could make it! grandma fixes up dolls and she couldn't resist taking a picture of eleanor next to the doll. they are just about the same size right now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

home visit

the home care nurse came out today. eleanor weighs 7# 3 oz so i had to make another appointment to follow up next week (the dr said we should come in then if she wasn't up to 7# 6 oz today. we talked about feeding and i should try to feed her whenever she's fussy and never let her go more than 3 hrs even if it means setting my alarm. she looks healthy and she is getting milk so we'll see how the appointment next week goes.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

first appointment/ update

my very swollen foot

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well, so far, each night has been a bit better. Elle is eating well and her weight will be rechecked on thursday when the public health nurse comes to visit. at her visit yesterday she was down to 7# 2 oz which is a little more wt loss than usual but our Dr said not to worry, it should even out now that my milk has come in. and she is looking very healthy.

I am feeling well overall, my biggest complaint is that my feet are still so swollen! way worse than when I was pregnant. Seth has been a big help in getting stuff done and encouraging me to sit with my feet up and I have been trying to wear my Ted hose when they don't drive me insane.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Daddy's girl


we are all adjusting to being home now.... the first night was a little rough. not a lot of sleep. but overall it is going well and I am feeling pretty good. here are a few more pictures.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

She's Here!

Happy Birthday Eleanor Marcelyn Rusch! born 7/16/09 at 2:05 pm. she was 8lbs, 2 oz and 20 inches long. very healthy and doing well. (mommy had a little bit of a rough time but doing well now and over the moon that her baby girl has finally made her arrival. ) more to follow. just wanted to get the basics and a few pictures out there!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

the plan

well, if you go by dates, my due date was today. I had a dr's appointment today and there wasn't much change. my total weight gain is up to 14 pounds, my belly was measuring at 38 weeks and my cervix was still not quite 2 cm and "high" so we came up with a plan that if I do not go into labor in the next week, I will go into the hospital wednesday evening for a cervidil to help ripen the cervix and pitocin induction thursday morning. there is always the possibility that it won't work and I'll get sent home, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


well, my appointment today was not very exciting.... I gained 1 lb, my measurement was 36 which is smaller than last week but my dr says that is very common towards the end and as long as I'm gaining weight it's ok. but despite all the contractions I've been having, my cervix has not changed one bit! I am feeling emotional and uncomfortable today. I have several shifts of work coming up. hopefully it will help my keep my mind off things.