Life with the Rusch's

Sunday, October 25, 2009

fall= busy

We have been busy, busy lately with no change in sight. Seth and I have been working a lot of opposite shifts so we have been appreciating the passing moments we have. It was my birthday, and I worked. thanks to grandma and grandpa Rusch for watching Eleanor and for the birthday dinner. Thanks to Eleanor and Daddy for the cool pink BB Gun. Eleanor is being baptized next weekend (on Halloween) and then Seth's birthday is the 4th. our next weekend off , mid november, will be spent moving. yep. moving. We had tried to sell my house but because I bought it when the market was so inflated, that's impossible right now. so after much discussion of what to do, we decided to move into that house. Eleanor is doing great. lots of smiles. not quite laughing yet, but i think it's close.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


well, we are all adjusting to me being back at work. it hasn't been too bad so far. I even picked up some overtime tomorrow since Seth is off. daycare has been working out well and we are getting the timing down for how long it takes us to get ready in the morning. Eleanor, who has slept through the night since she was 7 weeks old woke up twice last night to eat. not sure what was up with that. otherwise she is doing well, smiling tons. her next appointment is in about a month.

Friday, October 9, 2009

back to work

well i went back to work this week. so far so good. we like our day care provider and eleanor seems to do well there. she likes to watch the bigger kids. its quite an adjustment for mommy and daddy though. it seems like there are not enough hours in a day!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

busy weekend!

well, we survived a very busy weekend and had a great time! started out on friday by heading to the cities and going to the mall of america and getting me a new phone so i get reception at home (yay!) we then dropped Eleanor off at grandma cindy's and went to the wedding rehearsal and dinner at Buca's which was awesome, then picked up Eleanor and off to Em and Corey's to stay the night. the next morning we said goodbye to Eleanor and Seth dropped me off at the salon to get my hair done for the wedding. Eleanor hung out with Em and Corey and then they brought her back to Hutch to grandma and grandpa Rusch's. I got ready for the wedding and Seth met me at the hotel. we had a great time at the wedding and Congrats to Derek and Lisa!!! sunday morning, Eleanor went to church and out to lunch with the family and we headed back home and met at great grandpa and grandma's for pictures (it was their 60th wedding anniversary!) after pictures, grandma and grandpa Rusch offered to watch Elle a little longer so mommy and daddy could clean at the red house (we meet with the realtor tomorrow) after we picked Eleanor up we did an oil treatment to her head (she's had quite the case of cradle cap) and then a bath! whew what a weekend! we also think she is starting to teethe and she has a bit of a runny nose and goopy eye. well, dreading going back to work on wednesday, I'll let you know how it goes!