Life with the Rusch's

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Stats

Eleanor had her 9 month appointment last week. It ended up being long because it was the day of the state wide tornado drill. we were in the waiting room for about a half hour, then once we got roomed, the tornado drill got called so we had to go sit in the hall for a few minutes. then finally on with the appointment. She is right on schedule with everything. no shots this time, so that was nice. she is 21lbs, 3 oz. which is in the 89th percentile and she is 30 inches tall, which is off the charts, she definitely takes after daddy there.

she is now loving to play peek a boo, especially with her bibs at meal time! she will give us kisses (sometimes) and she will give you "five" we are working on "bye bye" she is still trying to perfect the crawl and is tipping over a lot when she gets on all fours which leads to bumping the head on the hard wood floor which is hard for mommy to get used to, but i'm sure it is only the beginning of the bumps, bruises, and boo boos.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

and we're mobile....

in the last week or so, Eleanor has become mobile. she's not super quick yet, but she manages to scoot around the living room and get the toys or cords she wants. she has one leg in front of her and one behind and leans forward with her hands on the ground. she is getting better at it every day and I have a feeling we will soon have our hands full!

also, about a week ago her first tooth popped through. it is not all the way up yet and she has another one not far behind.

not much else new. things are good. we are enjoying the weather and eleanor loves to be outside! she likes walks and riding in the bike cart (once it's moving)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

little swimmer

we had a day off together today and took Eleanor for her first time swimming. We went to the Americinn. it was nice because we were the only ones there. Eleanor loved it! she was kicking and smiling and splashing the whole time! hard to get a good picture, but here are a few.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Eleanor's first Easter was a good one! Saturday, Eleanor and I met the Brecht's and grandma and grandpa Rusch at the mall for pictures with the easter bunny and then we came back to our place to visit for a while. Sunday started with church which Eleanor sat through amazingly. then we spent the day at grandma and grandpa Rusch's with the Brecht's and were joined by great grandma and grandpa Radunz. we had an awesome lunch, an easter egg hunt, some time in the sun, some great easter presents and a wonderful time relaxing with family. Elanor had a great day but was exhausted when we got home. she fell asleep in record time.

On another note, Seth finally shaved his beard after talking about it for a month or two... He is definitely a Rusch!